
Document Type Order descending Language Year

Uncertainties in the daily operation of a district heating plant

Peter Sorknæs

Abstract from 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Presentations en 2013

Decarbonising the European heating and cooling markets

David Connolly

Presented at Joint Research Centre Symposium, Petten, Netherlands, 11 April 2013.

Presentations en 2013

Heat Roadmap Europe 2050: Decarbonising the European heating and cooling markets

David Connolly

Presented at Annual Conference for the European Technology Platform: Renewable Heating & Cooling, Dublin, Ireland, 22 April 2013.

Presentations en 2013

Distributed CHP plants optimized across more electricity markets

Peter Sorknæs

Presentation at 4DH PhD Seminar, 15 December 2014.

Presentations en 2014

Geographical representations of renewable energy systems

Stefan Petrovic

Presentation at 4DH PhD Seminar, 15 December 2014.

Presentations en 2014

Legal framework as a core element of district cooling success – the case of Denmark

Bent Ole Gram Mortensen

2014 Conference on Heat Energy (HE 2014), Wuhan, China, September 2014

Presentations en 2014

Conversion of existing district heating to low-temperature operation

Soma Mohammadi

Presentation at 4DH PhD Seminar, 15 December 2014.

Presentations en 2014

Space heating for existing buildings with LTDH

Dorte Skaarup Larsen

Presentation at 4DH PhD Seminar, 15 December 2014.

Presentations en 2014

Geographical representation of heat demand, efficiency and supply

Lars Grundahl

Presentation at 4DH PhD Seminar, 15 December 2014.

Presentations en 2014

4DH Research In A European Context

David Connolly, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Henrik Lund, Sven Werner

Poster session presented at Energy and Environment for the Future, Copenhagen, Danmark.

Presentations en 2014

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