
Document Order descending Type Language Year

Organisational and institutional challenges

Professor Bent Ole Gram Mortensen

First annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2012

Presentations en 2012

Performance analysis of hybrid district heating system

Mikulandric, R., Krajačić, G., Khavin, G., Lund, H., Mathiesen, B. V., & Østergaard, P. A.

8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik 2013.

Presentations en 2013

Perspectives of district heating systems in Eastern Europe

Robert Mikulandrić, Goran Krajačić, Neven Duić, Zoran Pranjić, Gennadii Khavin, Henrik Lund, Brian Vad Mathiensen

International Conference on District Energy 2013, Portoroz, Slovenia, March 24th 2013

Presentations en 2013

Perspektiv på samfundsøkonomisk konsekvensvurdering

Søren Djørup

Presentations en 2014

Planning of Smart Energy Systems with high share of intermittent renewables using EnergyPLAN and H2RES models

Goran Krajacic

Lecture at Sustainable consumption and production in chemical and process industries, Sustainable development indicators and computer aided modelling, Maribor, Slovenia, November 4th 2014

Presentations en 2014

Plans and strategies of DH compagnies

Jesper M. Larsen

Second annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen 2013

Presentations en 2013

Potential of district heating systems in Eastern Europe

Robert Mikulandrić, Goran Krajačić, Neven Duić, Zoran Pranjić, Gennadii Khavin, Henrik Lund, Brian Vad Mathiensen

1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Ohrid, Macedonia, June 29th 2014.

Presentations en 2014

Potential of large-scale integration of heat pumps in Danish District Heating

Rasmus Lund

4th 4DH PhD Seminar, Aalborg University Copenhagen, 2 November 2015.

Presentations en 2015

Practical aspects of low-temperature district heating in existing single family houses

Dorte Skaarup Larsen

4th 4DH PhD Seminar, Aalborg University Copenhagen, 2 November 2015.

Presentations en 2015

Practical simulation approach for multi electricity market operation of distributed generation

Peter Sorknæs

Presentation at PhD seminar 13 March 2014

Presentations en 2014

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