
Document Type Order ascending Language Year

The role of advanced district heating systems in energy planning of future energy systems: Case study for the City of Osijek

T.Novosel, M. Ban, I. Bačeković, T. Pukšec, G. Krajačić, N. Markovska, V. Borozan, I. Mihaljević, N. Duić

23rd International Symposium and Exhibition on Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning, Zagreb, Croatia, April 23rd 2015

Presentations en 2015

Heat demand mapping and advanced energy planning for the City of Osijek

T.Novosel, M. Ban, I. Bačeković, T. Pukšec, G. Krajačić, N. Markovska, V. Borozan, I. Mihaljević, N. Duić

International Conference on District Energy 2015, Portorož, Slovenia, March 23rd 2015.

Presentations en 2015

Planning of Smart Energy Systems with high share of intermittent renewables using EnergyPLAN and H2RES models

Goran Krajacic

Lecture at Sustainable consumption and production in chemical and process industries, Sustainable development indicators and computer aided modelling, Maribor, Slovenia, November 4th 2014

Presentations en 2014

District Heating and Cooling in World Heritage Sites

Goran Krajacic

Sustainable Management Solutions, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 11th 2014

Presentations en 2014

Potential of district heating systems in Eastern Europe

Robert Mikulandrić, Goran Krajačić, Neven Duić, Zoran Pranjić, Gennadii Khavin, Henrik Lund, Brian Vad Mathiensen

1st South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Ohrid, Macedonia, June 29th 2014.

Presentations en 2014

Performance analysis of hybrid district heating system

Mikulandric, R., Krajačić, G., Khavin, G., Lund, H., Mathiesen, B. V., & Østergaard, P. A.

8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik 2013.

Presentations en 2013

Perspectives of district heating systems in Eastern Europe

Robert Mikulandrić, Goran Krajačić, Neven Duić, Zoran Pranjić, Gennadii Khavin, Henrik Lund, Brian Vad Mathiensen

International Conference on District Energy 2013, Portoroz, Slovenia, March 24th 2013

Presentations en 2013

Fourth generation of district heating technology

Sven Werner

Presented at Cold Climate HVAC 2015 in Dalian, China on October 23, 2015.

Presentations en 2015

District heating within the European Union

Sven Werner

Presented at Dalian University of Technology, China on October 20, 2015.

Presentations en 2015

Heat Roadmap Europe 2050

David Connolly

Presentation at policy meeting in Seoul, South Korea, 4 July 2013.

Presentations en 2013

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