
Document Type Order ascending Language Year

Heat Roadmap Europe

David Connolly

Presented at International Energy Agency

Presentations en 2014

Efficiency and competitiveness through innovation and smart integration

David Connolly

Presented at Europe’s Energy Future / round table discussion

Presentations en 2014

Heat Roadmap Europe: Pre-study 2

David Connolly

Presented at Euroheat & Power Board Meeting

Presentations en 2014

Heat Roadmap Europe

David Connolly

Presented at DG Energy of the European Commission

Presentations en 2014

Heat Roadmap Europe 2050 and its Role in EU Energy Policy

David Connolly

Presented at Korea District Heating Association

Presentations en 2013

Heat Roadmap Europe

David Connolly

Presented at US-DK Summer School

Presentations en 2014

Heat Roadmap Europe: A Complete Heating Strategy for the EU

David Connolly

Presented at EU Parliament Dinner Debate

Presentations en 2014

Præsentation af PhD projektet: Decentrale kraftvarmeværker optimeret på tværs af flere elmarkeder

Peter Sorknæs

Presentations da 2012

Teknisk systemanalyse af fjernvarmens rolle i fremtidens energisystem, v. Regnerier i energi- og varmesektoren, Grøn Energi (Dansk Fjernvarme)

Rasmus Lund

Presentations da 2014

Use of Danish Heat Atlas and energy system models for exploring renewable energy scenarios

S. Petrovic, KB Karlsson

Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 2013.

Presentations en 2013

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