
Document Order descending Type Language Year

Low temperature district heating

Soma Mohammadi

Third annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University 2014

Presentations en 2014

Low temperature district heating and low energy houses

Lars Grundahl and Kasper Varn Qvist

Third annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University 2014

Presentations en 2014

Low temperature district heating and summer operation

Carsten Bojesen

Third annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University 2014

Presentations en 2014

Mapping local European heat resources

Urban Persson

13th International Symposium on Heating and Cooling, Copenhagen 3-4 September 2012

Presentations en 2012

Mapping of Heat Sources for DH Heat Pumps in Denmark

Rasmus Lund

International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University Copenhagen, August 2015.

Presentations en 2015

Med fjärrvärme kan EU lättare nå sina klimatmål

Sven Werner

Svensk Fjärrvärmes årsmöte, Uppsala November 12, 2013

Presentations se 2013

Methodology and results of the district heating analysis for the DEA

Jesper Werling

Third annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University 2014

Presentations en 2014

Methodology for creating heat road map China

Weiming Xiong

PhD seminar 13 March 2014

Presentations en 2014

Minimization of losses in low temperature district heating

Maksym Kotenko

4th 4DH PhD Seminar, Aalborg University Copenhagen, 2 November 2015.

Presentations en 2015

New solution for supplying domestic hot water

Xiaochen Yang

Third annual conference on 4th Generation District Heating, Aalborg University 2014

Presentations en 2014

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